(Information below is from the current 2020 LAH Handbook)
A. Awards Authorized for Individual Participation
1. Cuff Title “Adolf Hitler” (Ärmelstreifen “Adolf Hitler”)
Awarded to Anwärters upon successful completion of three (3) approved events as a paid LAH member and successful completion of the Anwärter test. Actual cuff title is awarded without cost to the unit member in a formal formation.
2. Infantry Assault Badge (Infanterie Sturmabzeichen)
Awarded to Panzergrenadiers and above in two classes:
(A) Bronze (Bronz) For accumulation of 100 ECPs for members who have no prior military service in the U.S. Armed Forces.
(B) Silver (Silber) For accumulation of 100 ECPs for members who have served military duty in one of the U.S. Armed Forces.
3. Iron Cross 2nd Class (Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse)
Awarded for accumulation of 150 ECPs. Individuals age 40 and above may wear the Imperial (WWI) Iron Cross Ribbon. For authenticity, wear of this award below the rank of ϟϟ-Panzerobergrenadier is discouraged.
4. Iron Cross 1st Class (Eisernes Kreuz I. Klasse)
Awarded for accumulation of 400 ECPs and must have been awarded the Iron Cross 2nd Class. Individuals age 40 and above may wear the Imperial (WWI) Iron Cross. For authenticity, wear of this award below the rank of ϟϟ-Sturmmann is discouraged.
5. Close Combat Clasp (Nahkampfspange)
Awarded in three classes:
(A) 1st Class, Bronze (Bronz) For attending 25 approved events. For authenticity, wear of this award below the rank of ϟϟ-Unterscharführer is discouraged.
(B) 2nd Class, Silver (Silber) For attending 50 approved events. For authenticity, wear of this award below the rank of ϟϟ-Scharführer is discouraged.
(C) 3rd Class, Gold (Gold) For attending 100 approved events. For authenticity, wear of this award below the rank of ϟϟ-Oberscharführer is discouraged.
6. Wound Badge 1939 (Verwundetenabzeichen)
Awarded in three classes:
(A) Black (Schwarz)
For sustaining an injury incurred while engaged in tactical maneuvers requiring a licensed physician’s attention. Documentation required. Also awarded for attending a cumulative total of 10 events without sustaining an injury.
(B) Silver (Silber)
For accumulation of two injuries incurred while engaged in tactical maneuvers requiring a licensed physician’s attention. Documentation required. Also awarded for attending a cumulative total of 30 events without sustaining an injury.
(C) Gold (Gold)
For accumulation of three injuries incurred while engaged in tactical maneuvers requiring a licensed physician’s attention. Documentation required. Also awarded for attending a cumulative total of 75 events without sustaining an injury.
The class of Wound Badge awarded may also be determined by the severity of the injury incurred. This determination will be made by the Bataillonführer on a case-by-case basis.
7. Tank Assault Badge (Panzerkampfabzeichen)
Awarded in two classes:
(A) Bronze (Bronz)
For participation at five (5) events as an actual crewmember (not passenger) of an original or approved reproduction half-track or armored car.
(B) Silver (Silber)
For participation at fifteen (15) events as an actual crewmember (not passenger) of an original or approved reproduction fully tracked armored vehicle. Subsequent 25, 50, 75 and 100 for the same approved event achievement.
8. Flak Medal (Herres-Flakabzeichen)
For participation at five (5) events as an actual crewmember of an original or approved reproduction heavy FLAK gun.
9. East Medal (Ostmedaille)
Awarded attending three (3) approved Eastern Front events. For authenticity, wear of this award below the rank of ϟϟ-Sturmmann is discouraged.
10. Kuban Shield (Kuban-Schild)
Awarded to Enlisted or NCOs for participation in a total of twelve (12) credited Russian Front events.
11. Crimea Shield (Krim-Schild)
Awarded to officers for participation in a total of twelve (12) credited Russian Front events.
12. Anti-Partisan War Badge (Bandenkampfabzeichen)
Awarded in three classes:
(A) Bronze (Bronz)
Awarded for participation in twenty (20) credited Russian Front events.
(B) Silver (Silber)
Awarded for participation in twenty-five (25) credited Russian Front events.
(C) Gold (Gold)
Awarded for participation in thirty-five (35) credited Russian Front events.
13. Driver’s Badge of Merit (Kraftfahr-Bewahrungsabzeichen)
The Drivers badge can be recommended by vehicle owners for dedicated drivers of their vehicles. Requests must be placed through the chain of command per LAH Form 102. It is no longer necessary to identify drivers specifically on qualifying vehicles when signing the Form 101 Attendance Roster.
Awarded in three classes:
(A) Bronze (Bronz)
Eligible after participation at five (5) events as an authorized and designated driver of an original or approved reproduction wheeled vehicle.
(B) Silver (Silber)
Eligible after participation at ten (10) events as an authorized and designated driver of an original or approved reproduction wheeled vehicle.
(C) Gold (Gold)
Eligible after participation at twenty (20) events as an authorized and designated driver of an original or approved reproduction wheeled vehicle.
14. Special Badge for Single-Handed Tank Destruction
(Sonderabzeichen für das Niederkampfen von Panzerkampfenwagen durch Einzelkampfer)
Awarded for the single-handed destruction or capture of an Allied tank while avoiding capture or “death”. One badge may also be awarded for every three (3) armored vehicles destroyed in the absence of tanks. It must be emphasized that qualification for this award is based upon single-handed destruction, not while serving as a member of a crew served weapon. Vehicles destroyed during canned spectator events do not qualify for award. Documentation must be submitted and verified by two LAH witnesses or the Bataillonführer. Regardless of the number of tanks destroyed, only one Tank Destruction Badge will be awarded for each event. Panzerfausts, Panzerschrecks or other tank- destroying devices will not be passed around to other unit members so that they may qualify for a tank destruction badge.
(A) Silver (Silber)
One silver badge for each tank destroyed (or one badge for each three armored vehicles destroyed) up to four badges.
(B) Gold (Gold)
One gold badge for each five tanks destroyed (or one gold badge for 15 armored vehicles destroyed). Once the gold badge is awarded, the four silver badges must be removed.
15. Rider’s Badge (Reiterabzeichen)
Awarded in three classes:
(A) Bronze (Bronz)
Awarded for bringing and utilizing a horse or horse drawn vehicle at three (3) approved events.
(B) Silver (Silber)
Awarded for bringing and utilizing a horse or horse drawn vehicle at ten (10) approved events.
(C) Gold (Gold)
Awarded for bringing and utilizing a horse or horse drawn vehicle at twenty (20) approved events.
This category of awards recognizes unit members for advanced participation (ECPs in excess of 800). For historical accuracy, two categories have been established in order to allow members to wear awards commensurate with their age group. The first category is for members up to age 40 who will wear Third Reich era awards. The second category is for members age 40 and above who may choose to wear either the Third Reich era awards or the WWI era awards.
A. 800 ECPs
1. Czech/Sudetenland Annexation Medal (Medaille zur Erinnerung an der 1. Oktober 1938)
2. Silesian Eagle (Schlesischer Adler)
B. 1,000 ECPs
1. Defense Wall Honor Award-West Wall (Deutsches Schutzwall-Ehrenzeichen)
2. Baltic Cross (Baltisches Kreuz)
C. 1,200 ECPs
1. Prague Castle Bar (Spange “Prager Burg”)
2. Bavarian Military Service Order (Bayern Militar Verdienst Orden)
D. 1,600 ECPs
1. Austrian Annexation Medal of 1938 (Medaille zur Erinnerung an der 13. Marz 1938)
2. Bavarian Military Max Joseph Order (Bayern Militar Max-Joseph Orden)
A. Old Campaigner’s Chevron (Ehrenwinkel für Alte Kampfer)
Awarded to officers only for twenty (20) years continuous membership in the LAH.
B. SS Long Service Award (SS-Dienstauszeichenungen)
Awarded in four classes:
1. Fourth Class: Awarded for four (4) years membership in the LAH.
2. Third Class: Awarded for eight (8) years membership in the LAH.
3. Second Class: Awarded for twelve (12) years membership in the LAH.
4. First Class: Awarded for twenty-five (25) years membership in the LAH.
The following unique decorations will only be awarded by the Bataillonführer under special circumstances:
A. Knight’s Cross to the Iron Cross (Ritterkreuz des Eisernes Kreuz)
1. Knight’s Cross (Ritterkreuz)
2. Knight’s Cross with Oak leaves (mit Eichenlaub)
3. Knight’s Cross with Oak leaves and Swords (mit Eichenlaub und Schwerten)
B. Knight’s Cross to the War Service Cross (Ritterkreuz des Kriegsverdienstkreuz)
with or without Swords
C. War Order of the German Cross in Gold (Kriegs Order des Deutches Kreuzes in Gold)
D. War Service Cross (Kriegsverdienst Kreuz)
Awarded in two classes:
1. First Class, with or without Swords
2. Second Class, with or without Swords
E. 1939 Spange to the Iron Cross, 2nd Class
Awarded by the Bataillonführer to members age 40 and above who have already been awarded the Iron Cross II Class. Spange will be worn on the Imperial EK II ribbon.
F. 1939 Spange to the Iron Cross, 1st Class
Awarded by the Bataillonführer to members age 40 and above who have already been awarded the Iron Cross I Class. Spange will be worn directly above the Imperial EK I. The Spange may or not be permanently affixed to the Imperial EK I.
G. Decoration of 9 November 1923-Blood Order (Ehrenzeichen von 9. November 1923-Blutorden)
Awarded to ϟϟ-Hauptsturmführers and above for accomplishments above unit level.
H. Honor Roll Clasp of the German Army (Ehrenblatt-Spange des Heeres)
Recipient must hold the Iron Cross 1st and 2nd Class.
I. Death Head Ring (Totenkopfring)
The Totenkopfring is privately purchased and awarded personally by the Bataillonführer to selected unit members for special deeds or exceptional service to the unit. Wear of this ring by members not awarded it through the Bataillonführer is prohibited.
In the past, efforts to authorize equivalency awards for every medal and badge a US Armed Forces veteran ever obtained proved to become cumbersome, labor intensive and resulted in newly assigned Panzergrenadiers who were highly “over-decorated” relative to their rank. To respectfully recognize LAH members who have honorably served in the US armed forces, a more efficient procedure has been established to distinguish those members from their peers while still retaining a high degree of historical authenticity. Individuals requesting equivalency awards must have successfully completed Basic Training, Advanced Training (MOS/AFSC producing school) and been assigned to an active unit. A copy of DD Form 214 is required for documentation.
To discern an LAH member with prior military service, the following policy is implemented:
A. Award of the SS/SA Sports Badge (Sportabzeichen)
Immediately upon completion of their third (3) approved event and successful completion of the Anwärter test, prior active duty military members, regardless of branch of service, are authorized to wear the SS/SA Sports Badge as follows:
1. Bronze For 1-5 years active duty.
2. Silver For 6-15 years active duty.
3. Gold For 16+ years active duty.
B. Silver Infantry Assault Badge
Once authorized for award in accordance with the criteria established Section 3.2.B of this chapter, prior service members (active or Reserves) may wear the Infantry Assault Badge in Silver. All other members will wear Bronze.
C. Wehrmacht Long Service Awards.
Authorized per the criteria established in Section 8 below.
Wehrmacht Long Service Awards are authorized for prior or present military service in the U.S. Army,
Air Force, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard, or Reserve/National Guard units of these branches as follows:
A. 4th Class- For four (4) years’ service
B. 3rd Class- For five (5) to twelve (12) years service
C. 2nd Class- For thirteen (13) to eighteen (18) years service
D. 1st Class- For nineteen (19) to twenty-five (25) years service
E. 1st Class with Oak leaves - For twenty-six (26) to forty (40) years service
No more than two Wehrmacht Long Service ribbons will be worn at one time.