Equipment Requirements for new Anwarters (new soldats)
The equipment listed below is the initial required for all unit members by the end of the Anwarter period (usually their 3rd event). More will be required after this time to fully equip the new soldat. The time frame is graduated so new members can gain equipment slowly to help budget and availability issues. Please remember to ask your Gruppenfuhrer prior to purchasing any item so he can assist you to acquire the equipment that will meet with the high standards of the LSSAH.

German Helmet (Stahlhelm)
Approved models include the M-1935, 40 and 42. Helmets should have original or correct reproduction liner (not postwar). M35 should be apple green in color with early war SS runes over the right vent hole. Later models painted a field grey with late war Runes.

Black Leather Belt (Koppel)
A black belt, 1-3/4" wide with hook for buckle and double rows of holes for adjustments.

Waffen SS Buckle (Koppelschloss).
SS buckles may be painted field grey of left in their original steel, zinc or aluminum finish.

Undershirt (Hemd)
Collared long tailed field or mouse grey shirt made of Trikot, Aertex, poplin or cotton. May or may not have chest pockets. Usually closed with paper or dishpan type buttons. Shoulder loops and sleeve eagles were sometimes added.

Field Blouse (Feldbluse)
Models 41, 42, 43. Constructed of field grey wool with mainly only minor differences in pocket construction. SS tunics were normally made with five buttons, but often six button Herr models were issued. Tunics shall have an SS collar tab on the right, solid black on the left, black with white piping shoulder boards and a SS eagle on the left sleeve. No other insignia is needed for the new soldat. (Model 41 shown with Rottenfuhrer stripes).

Trousers (Hose)
Models 37, and 43. Constructed of field grey wool. M37 has straight legs. M43 has tapered legs with draw strings, belt loops and reinforced seat of double wool material. Both styles are closed with dishpan style buttons.

Boots (Marschstiefel)
Constructed of blackened leather, smooth on the top section with rough out on the lower. 14-16" tall depending upon size. Leather soles with heel iron and hobnails applied.

Field Cap (Einheitsfeldmutze or Schiffchen)
Model 43 or Model 40 constructed of field grey wool.
M43 is a baseball style that has a scalloped skirt and secured in the front by one or two buttons. An embroidered death head is sewn on the front with a SS eagle on the left side skirt.
M40 is an "overseas" style without bill. An embroidered death head and SS eagle are sewn to the front.