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  Since the LAH recognizes the intrinsic value of young and enthusiastic people supplementing our ranks and the increased authenticity it provides, the Junges Blut Program has been created to allow acceptance of membership applications from individuals aged 16 to age 18.  Furthermore, the JBP will provide father-and-son teams the opportunity to participate in an enjoyable hobby together.   Generally, JBP members will participate as normal LAH members.  They may utilize firearms if permitted by their parent or legal guardian in writing.  In addition to the other requirements of the application process, in order to utilize firearms, they must submit a completed Weapons Use Release & Waiver.  Additionally, proof of official firearms training must accompany the form. JBP members without parental permission will not carry or fire weapons of any sort.  This includes propane guns, blank-only guns and any other pyrotechnic device to include hand grenades, Panzerfausts, etc.  They may act as assistant gunners, medical personnel, camp guards, drivers, Feldgendarme assistants, runners, couriers, cooks, signals personnel or perform any other duty not involving use of firearms or pyrotechnics.


  JBP members will be automatically authorized wear of the HJ pin after their first approved event and will complete their Anwärter period after their third approved event.  After successfully completing the LAH Anwärter test and award of the LAH cuff title, they will remain a Panzergrenadier until the age of 18 upon which time they will progress through the ranks and receive awards in the normal fashion.  Limited awards will be authorized for JBP participants as follow:


1st Event:     HJ Membership Pin (HJ Abzeichen)
3rd Event:    LAH Cuff Title (Armelband)
6th Event:    HJ Proficiency Badge (Leistungabzeichen der HJ)
12th Event:  General Assault Badge, Level I (Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen)


  No other awards or decorations will be authorized during membership in the JBP.  This includes civil awards, military awards and specialty awards such as sleeve diamonds.


  Once the JBP participant reaches 18 years of age and begins to earn ECPs, he will be required to remove the General Assault Badge upon meeting the requirements for award of the Infantry Assault Badge and remove the HJ Proficiency Badge upon meeting the requirements for award of the Iron Cross II Class.  He may continue to wear the HJ Membership Pin until age 25.


  Applicants for the JBP will use the current LAH application and are required to possess a current and valid driver’s license, temporary permit, State ID or other official photo identification.  In addition to the requisite application forms, dues and identification, they must also submit an originally endorsed Waiver of Liability Agreement and General Release for Underage Participants signed by their parent or legal guardian.  Should the use of firearms be permitted by their parent or legal guardian, a completed copy of the Weapons Use Release & Waiver. 


  Due to insurance or other liability reasons, some event organizers will not allow the participation of individuals under the age of 18 regardless of unit policy.  It is the JBP participant’s responsibility to ensure they are permitted to partake in credited and non-credited events.

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